• Hyperbaric Air Therapy

    Hyperbaric Therapy at AeroNautix Performance Clinic promotes the body’s natural healing process by increasing atmospheric pressure, and possibly adding oxygen, to reach all the damaged tissues for wonderful benefit.

    We’ve witnessed life-changing improvements in our guests’ quality of life and their acute and chronic medical challenges.

    Some incredible medical recoveries with hyperbaric air/oxygen therapy including: memory issues/dementia, neuropathy, post-stroke motor deficit recovery, multiple sclerosis, COVID long haul, traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussions, sports injuries, fatigue, headaches, chronic pain and more.


    This is our mission at this “mitochondrial bistro”, and our Staff is here to walk with you each step of the way.

  • WellnessPro+ Therapy

    Experience a breakthrough in pain relief with WellnessPro+®, a safe and effective bio-electrotherapy system that delivers microcurrents to relieve, chronic, intractable post-surgical or post traumatic acute pain, with the simple push of a button.

    Electrotherapy Works: Pain consists of impulses traveling from nerves around an injured area to the brain to deliver an un-pleasant sensation. An Electrotherapy device (like the WellnessPro+®) sends currents to stimulate these nerves. The signals from the stimulated nerves interfere with pain signals traveling to the brain which reduces the brain’s perception of pain. Electrotherapy devices can help relieve chronic, intractable pain and treat post-surgical or post-traumatic
    acute pain.

    • Simple and fast-acting
    • Targeted pain relief
    • Non-chemical, non-habit forming
    • Supports surgical recovery

  • Red Light Therapy

    Red and near-infrared (NIR) light therapy, often simply referred to as “red light therapy”, is a type of therapy that uses specific wavelengths of light to bring about positive health benefits. This form of phototherapy uses wavelengths of light that are considered bioactive in humans. Studies indicate that red light therapy’s effects occur due to the stimulative effect that red and NIR wavelengths of light have on mitochondria, the energy center of the cells.

    • Improves Cellular Energy Production
    • Reaches
    Deep Tissues
    Considered one of the safest forms of phototherapy
    • Stimulates
    wound healing and tissue repair
    • Reduces
    aging effects by supporting collagen production
    • Reduces
    pain by decreasing swelling and inflammation
    • Improves
    joint health
    • Improves
    physical performance through muscle recovery and energy levels
    • Improves
    sleep quality and duration

  • Kloud+ PEMF Therapy Pad

    PEMF stands for pulse electromagnetic frequency. The Kloud+ is a pulse electromagnetic therapy that has taken it a step further to the “activation” phase. This is considered a wellness device that works to send frequencies into our body in order to create a healing state. CENTROPIX offers you a holistic wellness solution. Change your life and take your body and mind to the next level.

    Join the worldwide movement.
    Optimize your life.

    P1: Relax - promotes relaxation of the mind, body and soul.
    P2: Balance - restores your natural balance through good thoughts, peace and serenity.
    P3: Energize - feel alive with a boost of energy, helping you to get motivated and stay awake.
    P4: Synchronize - use this setting to help synchronize your body functions, improve emotional harmony and increase mental clarity.
    P5: Transform - assists the body in healing itself through increasing your vital forces.

  • Brain Tap Therapy

    The BrainTap system uses a mobile device, paired with the BrainTap Headset, to deliver a full suite of sessions that range across desired life outcomes and tap into different neural pathways in your brain. With over 1,800 unique sessions, you can focus on what’s important to you.

    Think Better.
    BrainTap gives you the gift of a present mind. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and distressed, you’ll feel energized and have the confidence to make better choices.

    Sleep Better.
    Train your brain to relax into your body’s natural sleep pattern and awaken rested, with a sharp, focused, and fully restored brain.

    Perform Better.
    Your performance accelerates as your brain gains a heightened sense of clarity and your energy returns to its fullest form, resulting in acquired energy to engage fully.

  • Styku 3D Body Scan

    The Styku body scanner is a scanner that utilizes infrared light to scan the patient’s body and compile a 3D image along with an extensive report of the patient’s body composition.

    *35 seconds per scan session.

    See the Difference in your Body's Shape in 3D.
    Weight scales often mislead you into thinking you're not making progress. Nothing is more illustrative and more motivating than to actually see your body transform.

    Analyze Hundreds of Body Measurements
    Extract measurements like your waist, hip, thigh, and more with less than 1% error.





  • Chi Machine

    The Chi Machine's main benefits are that it temporarily relieves minor muscle aches, pains, and tension due to fatigue or overexertion, it may locally increase blood circulation, and locally relaxes muscles all in less than 15 minutes (bonus of stress reduction)!

    It has also shown results in reducing extracellular, whole-body fluid, and leg fluid by improving lymph flow and drainage. Many people can feel the improved circulation and flow of energy once the Chi Machine stops. This is known as the "Chi Rush." The "Chi Rush" feels like a tingling feeling that flows throughout the body. Some people may feel this tingling all the way through their body to their fingertips, while others may only feel it locally, throughout certain areas of their body like their arms, legs or abdomen.